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我公司签约上海师傅汉语ShiFu Chinese网站建设并顺利完工

发布日期:2011-10-13  浏览次数:1623

ShiFu Chinese is formed with high expertise and professionalism.

Our aim is to provide a convenient and tailor-made learning environment.

Professional Teachers
Our teachers are selected after thorough interviews. Not only to check that they have high quality of teaching-Chinese skills but also to ensure that they are good at inter-personal communication. A serial of training courses are given to the qualified candidates after the interview to make sure that ShiFu Chinese will consistently conduct a high quality service.

Personal Attention
We pay highly attention to each of our students’ needs. Necessary schedule adjustment is made according to students’ requirements. Learning schedule is changeable according to the needs. In short your satisfaction is our goal.

Combine Learning and Practicing
Various activities, games and role plays are used to practice learning points at each lesson. Our teachers will also guide students to practice the recently learned words, grammar points etc. in a real scenario.

Learning Chinese can be efficient and quite fun here.
About Us

合肥启迈网络科技有限公司专业从事网站建设、网站优化、虚拟主机、域名 注册等网络服务。专业的设计团队、一流的服务态度和先进的网络技术让我 们在竞争激烈的网站设计这行业中蓬勃发展.......[ 查看详情]

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